Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Devil's New Playground: Pop Music

I have been doing a study on satan worship and the occult in current pop music, especially R & B and Hip Hop. I've been a student of pop music for decades and have NEVER seen or heard anything like it. Everyone from Rhianna to Lady Gaga. From Beyonce and Jay-Z to Ke$ha. Kanye West. The list goes on and on. Some may try and convince me that these artists use satanic imagery and lyrical content only for shock value, that they only do it to for attention and sales. And they are right. But what they can't see is that the god of this world, satan himself, has found that through the arts, ESPECIALLY pop music, he can reach more youth than ever before. Don't believe me? Just go watch some of their recent videos, or read some of their lyrics. Here are just a few photos to open your eyes: 

A still from Ke$ha's video, "Die Young", which has over 29 million views

Lady Gaga under the flag bearing "The eye of Horas" and giving the hand symbol for 666

Famous photo of Aleister Crowley, deceased founder of the church of Satan. Notice the pyramid and the eye
Jay-Z displaying the quote "Do What Thou Wilt" from Aleister Crowley's book, "The Book of the Law"

The main emphasis in what is known as "Satan worship" is the exploitation of self and pleasure. To worship one's self and to experiment every carnal desire are among many ways to receive power and fame. 

Ke$ha wearing her jewelry and body paint
Beyonce pictured here in symbolic costume: Baphomet images
 Baphomet, the symbol of the satanic goat, usually portrayed as a half human, half goat figure

Kanye West shown here with many occult symbols
Rihanna in numerous photos: The eye; Baphomet; the horned hand gesture

Moms and Dads, educate your kids and pray over their minds, that the Holy Spirit would convict them while listening to this music. Friends who are fans of the above artists, I implore you. Do your own research with this in mind: Pop music in our generation is the most powerful propaganda tool to come along in centuries, possibly ever. Pray that the Spirit of Christ would reveal the truth about what you are witnessing with your own ears and eyes every day in this very dark hour in musical history.

Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. In verse 5, what three words are used that refer to our mind making it clear what Satan is fighting for? And with these types of images and words inundating us daily, what do you think will happen to your moral compass? Your kid's decision making?

This is a crucial time we are living in. Let's guard our hearts.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

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