Friday, September 6, 2013

10 things I should have noticed before I turned 49

I feel totally silly for admitting this. How could I have missed them? It’s like I have been walking around in some kind of time warped bubble, just chewing gum and skipping along through life without observing some of the world’s simplest things. I’m sure there are more, but it took me 49 years to  figure these out.

10) Earth's sunsets move from one side of the sky to the other in different seasons. It’s over there in the spring and summer and now it’s over here in the fall and winter.  How could this be?

9) Women want to be listened to. They don’t want to be fixed. This, again, should be a no brainer. 

8) Smiling is awesome.  People who smile are normally happier than me.

7) Speeding only gets me to the next red light quicker than the cars I pass.

6) There is a reason why doctors call it “practicing” medicine - because they aren’t good at it yet.

 5) Friends are precious. When you cook them food and give them things, it makes them really happy.

4) No matter how hard I try, I will never figure out all of the words to “Fame” by David Bowie .

 3) Forgiveness and trust are not the same thing. This one was huge.

2) Everybody is a little nuts. And that’s ok.  We  are all touched by sin.

Which brings me to my most important observation in a very long time.  This one has brought me more joy this year than I have ever had.  It makes more sense than anything I have ever learned.

1)     I don’t have to pretend anymore. Jesus loves me just the way I am. But He loves me too much to leave this way. 

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